- attribute
auto attribute(string name, string file, size_t line)
auto attribute(GLuint index, string file, size_t line)
Gives you the vertex Attribute with the given name or index.
- bind
void bind()
Bind the Vao. (Calls vao.bind().)
- hasAttribute
auto hasAttribute(string name)
auto hasAttribute(GLuint index)
Gives you a pointer to the Attribute with the given name or index, or null if it doesn't exist.
- setAttribute
Attribute setAttribute(string name, GenericBuffer buffer, AttributeParameters parameters)
Attribute setAttribute(string name, Buffer!T buffer)
Add or change an attribute.
- setAttributes
void setAttributes(Buffer!T buffer)
void setAttributes(Buffer!T buffer, string[string] names)
Automatically calls setAttribute for each member of the struct T.
Manages an OpenGL vertex array object (Vao).
Keeps track of attributes of Vertices stored inside Buffers.